NOTICE: Changes on the BLA Billing Card

NOTICE: Changes on the Billing Card

Beginning with the July 2024 billing card, you will notice a change to a line item. The acronym WTP (Water Treatment Plant) previously on the card will change to INF (Infrastructure). The reason for the change is that the loan for the water treatment plant was paid off on June 1, 2024. The loan payoff is a great accomplishment for Beaver Lake, but we have much more to do moving forward. The Board of Directors has decided and confirmed by a vote at the May 2024 Board of Directors meeting to continue the special assessment to accomplish higher cost infrastructure projects. They are projects that involve Utilities, Roads, Dam, etc.

For some of you, the WTP line may be on your card if you currently still owe a balance in that area. Once your balance is paid for WTP, it will drop off the card in the next billing cycle. If you have a concern about a balance or the change on the billing card, please call us with your concerns at 402-235-2241. Thank you reviewing this notice to keep up on the latest news.

Troy Weatherby

Managing Director